Play Time 1
Trim trail
Learning 1

About Us

The Friends of the School is a charity fundraising committee run by present and past parents and family of children in the school and some staff. (In other schools this may be known as the PTA).

The social and fundraising events organised by the energetic and successful Friends of the School committee continue to provide money to help provide all those little extras that enhance the children's lives in school.

If you would like to know more or become a member of the Friends of the School committee, please contact the school office.


Latest Achievements

Christmas Fayre

A massive thank you to everybody (children and staff) who took part in this very popular fundraiser.  You will be pleased to know that an amazing £1012.85 was raised.

Disco & Film Night

We are also happy to share that our latest film night raised £84.22 and a massive £422.30 from the school disco. Thank you to everyone that attended and helped support these events.